Kids Waiver Form Note: You can save this form to fill in later (see end of form). This form allows you to include up to 5 kids at once. Your contact detailsParent/guardian name* First Last Parent/guardian's email address* Mobile*Home phonePostal address* Street Address Suburb Postcode About your childThis information is necessary to ensure your child's safety, and the safety of other children in the class. No medical information will be divulged to others unless necessary for the running of the class.Number of Children (aged 5-17 years)*12345Please enter the number of children who will be attending class and for whom this waiver applies.Child's name* First Last Child's date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Please select all that apply:* Has your child had recent surgery? Does your child have high blood pressure? Does your child have epilepsy? Is your child on any medications? Does your child have diabetes? Does your child have a heart condition? Does your child often feel faint or dizzy during exercise? Does your child have any allergies? Does your child have a condition not listed above? NO MEDICAL ISSUES Please provide details of your child's condition/s listed aboveChild 2 DetailsChild 2: name* First Last Child 2: date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Please select all that apply to child 2:* Has your child had recent surgery? Does your child have high blood pressure? Does your child have epilepsy? Is your child on any medications? Does your child have diabetes? Does your child have a heart condition? Does your child often feel faint or dizzy during exercise? Does your child have any allergies? Does your child have a condition not listed above? NO MEDICAL ISSUES Please provide details of child 2's condition/s listed aboveChild 3 DetailsChild 3: name* First Last Child 3: date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Please select all that apply to child 3:* Has your child had recent surgery? Does your child have high blood pressure? Does your child have epilepsy? Is your child on any medications? Does your child have diabetes? Does your child have a heart condition? Does your child often feel faint or dizzy during exercise? Does your child have any allergies? Does your child have a condition not listed above? NO MEDICAL ISSUES Please provide details of child 3's condition/s listed aboveChild 4 DetailsChild 4: name* First Last Child 4: date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Please select all that apply to child 4:* Has your child had recent surgery? Does your child have high blood pressure? Does your child have epilepsy? Is your child on any medications? Does your child have diabetes? Does your child have a heart condition? Does your child often feel faint or dizzy during exercise? Does your child have any allergies? Does your child have a condition not listed above? NO MEDICAL ISSUES Please provide details of child 4's condition/s listed aboveChild 5 DetailsChild 5: name* First Last Child 5: date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Please select all that apply to child 5:* Has your child had recent surgery? Does your child have high blood pressure? Does your child have epilepsy? Is your child on any medications? Does your child have diabetes? Does your child have a heart condition? Does your child often feel faint or dizzy during exercise? Does your child have any allergies? Does your child have a condition not listed above? NO MEDICAL ISSUES Please provide details of child 5's condition/s listed abovePhotographyFrom time to time we may take photographs and video footage of the classes for promotional purposes including social media, printed materials, our website, and other online advertising.Authorisation* I authorise the use of images of my child/ren for the above purposes I DO NOT authorise the use of images of my child/ren for the above purposes Assumption of risk/waiverI hereby enrol my child in Kickstarters self defence training on the basis of the terms and conditions set out below:Please read and select all terms* I acknowledge that the training, while conducted in the safest possible conditions and under qualified supervision, involves physical contact and inherent risks and I accept those risks on behalf of my child. I agree to conduct myself in a safe and mature manner and in accordance with the instructions of my instructors. I indemnify Kickstarters and Roaring Sky Sharks Pty Ltd including all instructors, staff members, and students against any loss or damage suffered by them in connection with my child’s participation in the training. I confirm that my child is physically capable of participating in this training and that my child has no existing medical condition which precludes or should reasonably preclude their participation. I agree to release Kickstarters and Roaring Sky Sharks Pty Ltd, including all instructors, staff members, and students from any liability whatsoever in connection with my child’s participation in this self defence training program. Without limitation, this includes all loss or damage or injury incurred as a direct or indirect result of my child’s participation. Parent/guardian signature*I/We agree to the above terms and conditionsDate DD slash MM slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ