Clayfield Class Booking Form Thursday Afternoons Kids (5-9 years) start at 3:45pm Juniors (10-14 years) start at 4:30pm Kalinga Scout Hall Bertha Street, Kalinga Your contact detailsParent/guardian name* First Last Parent/guardian's email address* Mobile*Clayfield 3 for $30 - Kids Class Quantity Price: $ 30.00 Quantity Includes: - Access to 1 group lesson per week at Clayfield for 3 weeks. Lessons are for children aged from 5 to approximately 9 years and begin at 3:45pm on Thursdays.Clayfield 3 for $30 - Junior Class Quantity Price: $ 30.00 Quantity Includes: - Access to 1 group lesson per week at Clayfield for 3 weeks. Lessons are for children aged approximately 10-14 years and begin at 4:30pm on Thursdays.Total $ 0.00 Clicking "Submit" will send you to the PayPal site. Once there, you can log in (if you have a PayPal account) or click the button labelled "Pay with card". PayPal will then securely process your payment and your booking will be confirmed! PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ